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Parish Life Launch

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At Third, we desire everyone to be known, cared for, and encouraged to mature as disciples of Christ.

In order to do this, we are reclaiming an old—and biblical —vision for how we do church together. This vision impacts how we build community, grow as disciples, and love our neighbors, and we're calling it Parish Life. We hope you join us.

Sunday morning, January 21 and 28 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall

Learn which Parish Area you live in and which Parish Groups are meeting near you. Meet the leaders of your Parish Group, and celebrate this new opportunity we have to love our neighbors and our city.

Because we believe that we were called to seek the renewal of all things, and that the renewal of all things starts in our backyards. Life in Parish Groups starts here, you’ll get everything you need to start building community and living missionally right in your neighborhood. We also promise it will be fun.

Sunday school classes for the adults will be on break for these two weeks in January, to make sure everyone has the opportunity to come and learn how they can be involved in a Parish Group in their area and to meet other folks who live near them. (You just need to come one week!)

When you come to the Fellowship Hall that morning, head to the maps to identify which Parish Area you live in. From there, you’ll find a table dedicated to your Parish Area where you can get all the info you need on the Parish Group near you.

Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of volunteers on hand to help you navigate the steps and keep you fueled with coffee and snacks.

Earlier Event: January 14
Newcomers Class: January 2017
Later Event: January 25
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